My daughter and I have almost completed our first collaberative quilt project, a Valentine table runner. She has been facinated by the quilting process and is ready to start on something new. Slow down kid, I still have to finish stitching the binding on this one! But, we do have a lovely new four-patch Valentine runner to enjoy. It is not perfect, but it is beautiful because of what it means to her and me.
I have also realized this time around that I have changed as a quilter and a person. When I was younger and under the spell of the wonderful fabrics, tools and patterns, I had only a consumer mentality. I wanted to learn and buy...and buy I did! I have been going through all the fabric yardage and kits I had in my stash and can I say "OMG!" How much did I spend?! Don't get me wrong, I will still buy new fabrics, but now we have ebay and other online sources that make it a bit more affordable and make options endless. I also paid a visit this past weekend to my favorite local quilt store and had a look around. I joined a "Quilt Divas" club that meets twice per quarter to introduce new or review old quilting methods. It was great to be back learning new, old stuff!
As I have sorted through my stash, it has also occurred to me that my tastes have changed so I listed several brand new, unused fabric kits and books on ebay to sell. I have had a great response there so my mind went one step about my own online store? So, that's what I did.
This week, I opened my online quilting supply store on Etsy called Quilt Store Next Door. My store can be found at I have several items stocked and ready to ship and I'm so excited! Wouldn't it be great to make money doing what I enjoy? I most likely won't get rich, but at the very minimum I have now financed my own fabric habit!
So what have I learned so far on the journey? First, my daughter is a natural at the sewing machine, something she did not inherit from me. Secondly, my eyes are bad and I need an eye exam. But most importantly, I have learned that whatever you do, be smart. Don't just be content to be a consumer, do something with what you have and what you know; make it matter. Do a new thing. "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing."
Great re-start. Lemme know when the zebra-leopard-tiger print one is ready. ;-)