Of course, it is nearly midnight, and I am up blogging when I should be preparing to go to bed. My daughter and I did some sewing together today. As you can see in the picture, her small hands are really getting the feel for what she is doing. She is making the third quit in the series for her American Girl dolls, this time for "Chrissa." This little quilt is a rail fence quilt in pastel blues and greens in a super soft flannel fabric. This is the first quilt that I have left almost completely to her hands to make and I am so proud at how easily she has picked up the techniques and process as I have shown her. The great thing about kids her age is their propensity for learning. They seem to embrace new information with ease. They are old enough to understand somewhat complex instructions without being easily bored. So, the little quilt top is about half-way pieced at this point and she is so proud of herself and what she has been able to learn and accomplish in a short time. She amazes me everyday. I am so blessed.
My online shop is definitely picking up steam. I am 30 days in, and I am averaging one sale per week, as a matter of fact, I had a sale just a few minutes before I began writing this evening. I am not driving a Porche yet, but it goes to show that with a whole-hearted effort and a lot of Blessing, you can see your dreams become reality.
I recently learned through a co-worker, of a craft bazaar at a local church. I have made some calls and just need to get my registration submitted and I will be an official vendor at my first craft show. The only thing that has my nerves a bit racked is that the show is in three weeks! Before you ask, yes, I am quilting my fingers to the bone for the next three weeks!! I have no idea what to expect, but I have a a lot of fabric and quilt kits in stock right now, so I'll make more handmade items, cut more quilts and give it my best shot. I just ordered my "square" card reader so I can accept credit cards. I feel so cool!
Earlier this week, I found myself at the library picking up books for my daughter, when I came across a book on hand-dyeing quilt fabric. I was captivated. I may be entering yet another foray in quilting in which I never imagined I would be interested.
I am finding myriad ways to express my own creativity and show my daughter that each of us is more than the professional hat that we wear. Back when I first started quilting, I thought I was only a dental hygienist, a college graduate, the sum of the things that earned my paycheck. I am more, I was created to be more and He who began a good work in me will see it to completion, I only need to enjoy the ride.
Til next time, be sure to check out my how-to blog, "Piece Talks with a Block Head." I will be discussing proper lighting and it's importance in accuracy and color. I would love ideas and feedback. Next Saturday, I will be attending my second session at the local quilt store in the "Quilt Divas" club, so I'll be sure to share what I learn there as well. Of course, you can always find me on Facebook and on Twitter @QuiltStoreNxtDr
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