Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Snow in November

It's Wednesday night and of course, the middle of the night. ;-). I haven't posted a decent post worth reading in several weeks, so I hope you haven't given up on me. 

Yesterday, it snowed here in central Ohio.  I'm not sure what that foretells for the rest of the winter, but it doesn't seem too good. Unfortunately, I didn't capture any great pics of the first snow, so I'll post some other pics of random things while I write.

Where did I leave off? Well, we were working on the studio/shop.  It is for the most part DONE!  Like an idiot, I don't have a good pic, but I can give you a before and after comparison:





I love everything about the new space.  I want to be in there all the time.  Sometimes I just sit in there (when I should be working) amazed at the transformation.  It is exactly what I had envisioned--it's gorgeous and I'm so thankful for the gentleman who helped me achieve it. My husband, general contractor extraordinaire (he's actually a CPA, he just happens to be handy--a quality that comes in handy! Ha!) , my electrician, Jim and my window and door go-to man, Mark. They have made me one happy little quilter. Blessed and humbled am I. 

We've had one class already in the new space, which right now, I can't find the picture I took of my sweet ladies, but it was a remix of the Virginia Reel throw pillow. 

This Friday night, we'll be hosting our first Quilt Store Next Door Sew-In and the shop will be OPEN for business! It'll be nice to just sit and sew with some friends and getting a little R & R in before the holiday madness begins. 

The shop has been CRAZY busy! October was a blockbuster month and November is right on its heels! I have shipped merchandise to California, Oregon, Washington, South Carolina, New York, Kentucky as well as Norway and Australia! Locally, Christmas orders have been rolling in almost daily. I'll be hosting a booth at a local craft bazaar on December 7th and this will be my last day to take orders for Christmas delivery. I have a long month ahead of me.  The goal being to have all Christmas orders delivered by December 20th. So, be sure to check out and to visit customizable products and available fabrics. 

Bowl cozies make a great Christmas gift when coupled with a nice bowl and yummy ready to make soup pouch. 

This beautiful table runner gets shipped to Virginia today. 

iPad wedge stands make great gifts. 

Cute little cosmetic/toiletry bags filled with soap and other sundry goodies are also fun to receive. 

Of course, none of these beautiful things can be made without gorgeous fabrics. This fat quarter bundle was created with our new Sapphire signature collection by Exclusively Quilters, RJR and Hoffman California. 

So, that's a bit of a catch-up as to what as been keeping us so busy. I think I'll call it a night with one last pic of our Quilt Store Next Door custom pillowcases.  
Thanks for reading.....and sweet dreams. 

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