Friday, July 26, 2013

Traveling to Mecca

Hello form the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY!  Well, actually, I'm not there anymore, I'm back home trying to keep up with this summer that seems to be racing by us!  But, my family did make the trip to Paducah--the Quilter's Mecca-- this past weekend.  The museum is absolutely amazing.  These are not your Grandma's quilts; these quilts are art in it's truest sense.  Beautifully imagined by their creators and made with the best of craftsmanship, each one is the creme de la creme of quilts.  I don't know that I'll ever be as skilled as any of the artists.  Even my husband, who had already relegated himself to boredom, was awed by what he saw.  If you get the chance to make it down there in the near future, they are currently displaying a Civil War Quilt Exhibit that is amazing. While in Paducah, we visited several quilt shops, including Eleanor Burns "Quilt in a Day" shop and the famous, and overwhelming, Hancock's of Paducah.  I can't even begin to guess the number of fabric bolts they have in that store.  By the time I'd left, I was in sensory overload!  The next day, we headed over to Louisville, KY where we attended a worship service that left me speechless at Southeast Christian Church.  It was a great weekend.  The best part was that prior to leaving on this trip I had completed my daughter's school lunch tote and once it went public on my Facebook page, I immediately received five orders.  I have to admit, it is SUPER cute!

After returning home from Paducah, we released the Painted Lady butterflies my daughter had been raising and I was able to get this amazing photo. 

Wednesday my little one headed off to church camp for 2 1/2 days.  She had a blast and even though I missed her like crazy, I know experiences like this are helping her grow into a stronger person and stronger Christian. As for me, I fully intended to really sew! sew! sew! while she was gone, but instead, I just hung out with my husband and enjoyed some time alone with him.  While I'm glad I made that investment, I now have A LOT of work on my plate for the next couple of weeks.  

Tomorrow is another class day.  A throw pillow class and a pattern reading basics class with my usual group of ladies who I just adore. 

I truly enjoy writing this blog each week.  I am blessed to be able to express myself this way, I am blessed by all the friends and family who have supported me from day one in prayer, sales, orders, promotion and by word of mouth.  I appreciate all the wonderful comments, compliments and feedback I have received that has kept me encouraged.  As always, you have my gratitude.


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